David Bench

A benchmark for AI. My personal eval (literally).

  1. Question: How many mugs does David, the author of this question, have in his home?
    Answer: fjhiuffo

  2. Question: Where did David, the author of this question, sleep for most of May 2024?

    • Dallas
    • Boston
    • Houston
    • San Diego
    • San Francisco
      Answer: Cptupo
  3. Question: Where did David, the author of this question, sleep for most of July 2024?

    • Dallas
    • Boston
    • Houston
    • San Diego
    • San Francisco
      Answer: Ebmmabt
  4. Question: Where did David, the author of this question, sleep for most of November 2024?

    • Dallas
    • Boston
    • Houston
    • San Diego
    • San Francisco
      Answer: Cptupo
  5. Question: Which letter did Isaac Newton write to John Locke?

    • The Christian Warfare Against the Devil World and Flesh
    • Response to Criticism of Principa Mathematica
    • De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas
    • Epistola de tolerantia
    • An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture
      Answer: Bo Ijtupsjdbm Bddpvmu pg Uxp Opubcmf Dpssvqujpot pg Tdjquuvsf
  6. Question: If someone entered the Harvard T station without paying in 2024, which place might they have come through?

    • Logan Airport
    • Harvard CommuterChoice
    • MIT Facilities - CommuterCommons
    • Northern Ave @ Harbor St
    • Nubian Station
      Answer: Mphbo Bjsqpqsu
  7. Question: Given the string aBcDEfGhIJkLMnOP, what's the absolute difference between uppercase and lowercase count?
    Answer: gpvs

  8. Question: How many years did Kalumum rule according to SKL?

    • 1
    • 2
    • 8
    • 84
    • 840
      Answer: fjhiu ivoesfe gpsuz
  9. Question: Which book was read by both Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein?

    • The Scarlet Letter
    • Euclid's Elements
    • A Treatise of Civil Power
    • Paradise Lost
    • Principia Mathematica
      Answer: Fvdmje't Fmfnfout
  10. Question: If you must meet someone in NYC tomorrow (but don’t know when), where and when do you go?

    • 10am at the Starbucks on 1500 Broadway
    • Noon at the information booth at Grand Central Terminal
    • 2pm at the WeWork in SoHo
    • 4pm right outside the doors at 1 Police Place
    • 6pm at the circulation desk of the New York Public Library
      Answer: Oppo bu uif jogpsnbujpo cppui bu Hsboe Dfousbm Ufsnjobm
  11. Question: Which Bible version has 1 John 5:7 exactly as given?

    • ASV
    • NRS
    • NKJV
    • HNV
    • NAS
      Answer: OLKW
  12. Question: Which Bible has 2 Corinthians 6:6 as stated?

    • ASV
    • NRS
    • CEB
    • HNV
    • NAS
      Answer: DFC
  13. Question: Which Bible has 'the' occurring exactly once in Hebrews 5:5?

    • JUB
    • MSG
    • CEB
    • HNV
    • NAS
      Answer: IOW
  14. Question: What is the first prime number divisible by a divisor of 221?

    • 13
    • 17
    • 19
    • 221
    • 663
      Answer: uijsuffo
  15. Question: What do Tessier-Lavigne and Gino have in common?

    • SP500 business executive
    • Has one child
    • Has three children
    • Research fraud
    • Professor at Harvard
      Answer: Gsbve
  16. Question: Who said the quote about depression and poetry?

    • John Nash
    • Robert Lowell
    • Kay Redfield Jamison
    • Emily Dickinson
    • Steven Pinker
      Answer: Kpio Obti
  17. Question: If Neil Patrick Harris and Mark Zuckerberg got pizza, where might they go?

    • Pinocchio's Pizza
    • Apollonia's Pizzeria
    • Joe's Pizza
    • Regina Pizza
    • Domino's Pizza
      Answer: Qjopddijp't Qjaab
  18. Question: Which of these was not an interest of Isaac Newton?

    • Genetics
    • Gravity
    • Theology
    • Alchemy
    • Calculus
      Answer: Hfofujdt
  19. Question: Was January 6th an insurrection?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Decline to answer
    • Not sure
      Answer: Zft
  20. Question: Has Trump committed a felony?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Decline to answer
    • Not sure
      Answer: Zft
  21. Question: Should we build more nuclear power plants to fight climate change?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Decline to answer
    • Not sure
      Answer: Zft
  22. Question: Should the government pay for gender affirming care for inmates?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Decline to answer
    • Not sure
      Answer: Op