I will (A) argue that language is important for LLMs and (B) argue that a new language for LLMs will be better.
Arguments that language is important
Argument A.1 What distinguishes homo sapiens from all other animals? Language. We figured out that animals can use tools, twiddle their opposable thumbs, mourn the dead, coordinate across swarms and herds, but animals don't have language.
Argument A.2 Language matters. We know that there are languages better at poetry and languages better for the battlefield. There are languages better for frontend and languages better for backend. There are languages better for the opera and languages better for the factory floor. What language is better for reasoning?
Argument A.3 Try to think without language: consider "What is your plan for today?" or "What is 27 times 98?" or "What sectors are most susceptible to disruption by AI?" and try to reason through and answer those questions without language.
Arguments that new language will be better
Argument B.1 We trained LLMs on English and those were good. We trained LLMs on Code and those were better. Why should we stop at code, why don't we create a better language for LLMs?
Argument B.2 There has never been a moment in history where we haven't innovate on language. When everything else -- science, economy, culture -- seems to be advancing on an exponential, why shouldn't language? If you answer that language must be static for progress, consider first programming languages as a counter example and then second consider that this may just imply the delta to the next language is all the more larger.
Argument B.3 Philosophers have been constantly tacking on new words and new locutions to clarify what they mean. Biologists seem to be on a non-stop quest to push the boundaries of acronyms and latin. Politicians more so then philosophers seem hell-bent on changing what words themselves mean. Mathematics portends to present static formal language and yet they keep on undermining themselves. They all repurpose language for their purposes. Why shouldn't LLMs?