2024-11-06T21:32:04.804467 | 🔗
Obviously, we will still have the pronouns he, his, she and her. And, when someone tells you they are having a baby, it’s ok to say “Congratulations! When are they due?” And, when you are asking for your waiter and they have short-cropped hair with earrings and it’s dark, it’s ok to say “Could you please get them for me?” But, what is not ok is for the government and the elites to say that everyone had to write (he/him) or (she/her) on your name tag just so that the one out of a thousand person can write (they/them) or worse (Ze/Zim) — what the heck is that! Fine, ok, if you tell me it’s actually “he” and not “she”, I can deal with that — fine, I made a mistake. But I’m not going to call you “ze”. That’s just crazy. What’s also crazy is the mind control police who think that they can make me waste half-an-hour a day saying “I take he/him pronouns” over and over again.