2024-11-06T21:44:46.266078 | 🔗
We used to have a system where each state has their own currency. It was an absolute disaster. It was chaotic. Prices would randomly fluctuate for no reason other than market manipulation. You would get paid in Pennsylvania money, then go and try to buy something in South Carolina and find out your money was worthless — holding the bag if you will. There was a time when the US didn’t have a strong dollar. People thought we wouldn’t pay our debts, we couldn’t finance the building of factories and railroads. We couldn’t build infrastructure. We need a strong dollar. People are getting scammed left and right by Crypto. Silicon Valley elites want to manipulate people by dangling fake money in front of them. They not-so-secretly want to control currency so they can control the economy. They want to use crypto as a foothold to take over. Covert agencies use crypto to meddle in other countries, to secretly finance drug deals and arms deals. Criminals use it for hush money. They are trying to make everyone use crypto so that they can pry into every transaction and every moment of our lives. Crypto is a fraud. Prices surge when consumers buy and drop precipitously when consumers sell because of market manipulation from the Silicon Valley elites. Fight back! Ban crypto.