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“At twenty-four, Newton believed he could marshal a complete science of motion, if only he could find the appropriate lexicon, if only he could set words in the correct order. Writing mathematics, he could invent his own symbols and form them into a mosaic. Writing in English, he was constrained by the language at hand.29 At times his frustration was palpable in the stream of words. Axiom 103: … as the body (a) is to the body (b) so must the power or efficacy vigor strength or virtue of the cause which begets the same quantity of velocity. …30Power efficacy vigor strength virtue—something was missing. But these were the laws of motion, in utero.” Excerpt From Isaac Newton James Gleick https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=0 This material may be protected by copyright.